Friday, 23 October 2009


This is a challenge for the Mexicans... and in fact anyone else, but especially focused on the mexicans...

First in spanish:

Ustedes mexicanos... un reto, que te puedes caminar mas que 30 metros sin encontrar basura en tus calles?

You mexicans... a challenge, can you walk more than 100feet without coming across garbage in the streets... ?

Well of course the answer to the above, is the same in both english and spanish... NO YOU CANNOT !

The same applies to any other country - if the answer is NO then you are DIRTY FILTHY HUMANS...

Get over it and do the right thing - I don't care if "Cleanliness is next to Godliness", but filth is just downright piggish, porcino.... don't come crying here on the internet with your flu's and influenzas and other maladies... it's all your own fault.

Saturday, 17 October 2009


Well ooops, seems like someone has censored our fun picture that we issued in the article below.... tut, tut, who is resposible for this???

We will try and repost it and see if this happens again...

Meanwhile, some goodstuff is coming... it is way long text and when I have the time I will post it....

Peace and cool to all the normal, well adjusted and balanced intelligent people out there...
That means YOU who reads this....
